
—Is it better to get published in print magazines or digital?

It’s important that our interior design ideas get seen as final projects. This can inspire others, uplift the reputation of the residential design industry, and bring you credibility and exposure for your efforts. But which is better—getting featured in a print magazine or in an online article?

Inspiration comes from both print and online, but each form of publishing has its own advantages. While some say print is dying, an alternative argument is that print has gained a partner in digital to expand its business. Perhaps print and digital are actually allies.

Printed Publications:

Being published in a well known publication, especially a national one, can make your career. No doubt it lends legitimacy, authority, and just makes you look good. Printed magazines are viewed as a leisurely activity, a form of relaxation. It’s a break from screen time and a much needed pause so articles and projects actually get read, not scrolled over. When your project is featured in print, it often offers a higher end audience and opportunities. However, they don’t necessarily drive business or become relevant to how designers make money. Although they can elevate your brand, what they fail to offer is more work.

Digital Publishing:

Enter digital media.... One of the primary advantages of digital media for readers is convenience. An accessible read on the go, or wherever one chooses. The primary advantage for interior designers is that online articles offer a broader reach than their printed editions. Digital publishing ultimately provides more eyes on your work, and more promotion. This often equates to more brand awareness, but more importantly, to more work. Getting published online can easily become other content so it’s more shareable. Think Pinterest, Instagram, FB, etc. Images are a huge traffic driver, and give you the opportunity to promote your work, attract new clients, and also attract the attention of editors and tastemakers who matter.

Doing both is a winning combination:

Most printed design magazines have strategically ramped up their digital content, leading to a surge in online readership and expanding overall business.

With both print and digital working hand-in-hand to grow readership, this allows designers an expanded opportunity to leverage the web, to build their businesses, and develop their personal brands.

My suggestion is to MIX IT UP. Both forms of publishing can benefit your business. Landing a couple inspirational print publications while also focusing on digital reach is a smart business model.